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ABCt Publications

  • Dogniaux M., Crevoisier C.
  • Mapping the CO2 total column retrieval performance from shortwave infrared measurements: synthetic impacts of the spectral resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, and spectral band selection
  • Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 5373–5396, (2024)
  • F. Hendaoui, H.T. Nguyen, H. Aroui, N.H. Ngo, H. Tran
  • Refined line-shape parameters for CO lines broadened by air predicted from requantized classical molecular dynamics simulations
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. and Rad. Transf., 319, (2024)
  • T. Le, J.-L. Domenech, N.H. Ngo, H. Tran
  • Spectral profile of ro-vibrational transitions of HCl broadened by He, Ar and SF6: testing the β-correction to the Hartmann-Tran profile and the speed dependent (complex) hard collision model.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. and Rad. Transf., 320, (2024)
  • Tran H., Hartmann J.M., Rambinison E., Turbet M.
  • Collision-induced absorptions by pure CO2 in the infrared: New measurements in the 1150-4500 cm-1 spectral range and empirical modeling for applications
  • Icarus, 422, 116265, (2024)
  • Tran H., Hartmann J.M., Rambinison E., Turbet M.
  • Collision-induced absorptions by pure CO2 in the infrared: New measurements in the 1150-4500 cm-1 spectral range and empirical modeling for applications
  • Icarus, 422, 116265, (2024)
  • W. Tchana Betnga, F. Hindle , L. Manceron, J. Vander Auwera, A. Cuisset, G. Mouret, R. Bocquet , A. Perrin , P. Roy , F. Kwabia Tchana
  • A new instrumentation for simultaneous terahertz and midinfrared spectroscopy in corrosive gaseous mixtures
  • Rev. Sci. Instrum. , 95,
  • A. Perrin , L. Manceron , R. Armante , F. Kwabia-Tchana , P. Roy , G.C. Toon
  • First investigation of the ν1, ν1-ν9, ν1+ν9, and ν1+ν7 absorption bands of nitric acid (1H14N16O3) at 3551.766 cm- 1, 3092.708 cm- 1, 4006.974 cm- 1, and 4127.782 cm-1, respectively
  • Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 392, 111741, (2023)
  • A. Perrin , L. Manceron , R. Armante , F. Kwabia-Tchana , P. Roy , G.C. Toon
  • Part 2:Validation for line lists generated for nitric acid (H14N16O3) for the ν1 band and its first two associated hot bands (ν1+ν9-ν9, ν1+ν7-ν7) in the 2.8 μm region, the ν1-ν9, ν1+ν9 and ν1+ν7 bands at 3.2 μm, 2.5 μm and 2.4 μm, respectively
  • Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 392, 111741, (2023)
  • Agustí-Panareda, A., Barré, J., Massart, S., Inness, A., Aben, I., Ades, M., Baier, B. C., Balsamo, G., Borsdorff, T., Bousserez, N., Boussetta, S., Buchwitz, M., Cantarello, L., Crevoisier, C., Engelen, R., Eskes, H., Flemming, J., Garrigues, S., Hasekamp, O., Huijnen, V., Jones, L., Kipling, Z., Langerock, B., McNorton, J., Meilhac, N., Noël, S., Parrington, M., Peuch, V.-H., Ramonet, M., Razinger, M., Reuter, M., Ribas, R., Suttie, M., Sweeney, C., Tarniewicz, J., and Wu, L.
  • Technical note: The CAMS greenhouse gas reanalysis from 2003 to 2020
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 3829–3859, (2023)
  • B. Tabone, G. Bettoni, E. F. van Dishoeck, A. M. Arabhavi, S. Grant, D. Gasman, Th. Henning, I. Kamp, M. Güdel, P. O. Lagage, T. Ray, B. Vandenbussche, A. Abergel, O. Absil, I. Argyriou, D. Barrado, A. Boccaletti, J. Bouwman, A. Caratti o Garatti, V. Geers, A. M. Glauser, K. Justannont, F. Lahuis, M. Mueller, C. Nehmé, G. Olofsson, E. Pantin, S. Scheithauer, C. Waelkens, L. B. F. M. Waters, J. H. Black, V. Christiaens, R. Guadarrama, M. Morales-Calderón, H. Jang, J. Kanwar, N. Pawellek, G. Perotti, A. Perrin, D. Rodgers-Lee, M. Samland, J. Schreiber, K. Schwarz, L. Colina, G. Östlin, G. Wright
  • A rich hydrocarbon chemistry and high C to O ratio in the inner disk around a very low-mass star
  • Nature Astronomy, 130, 143001, (2023)
  • Benoit R., H. Vernier, J.-P. Vernier, L. Joly, N. Dumelie, F. G. Wienhold, C. Crevoisier, S. Delpeux, F. Bernard, P. Dagaut, G. Berthet
  • The first balloon-borne sample analysis of atmospheric carbonaceous components reveals new insights into formation processes
  • Chemosphere,326 , (2023)
  • C.-A. Guérin, V. Capelle, J.-M. Hartmann
  • Revisiting the Cox and Munk wave-slope statistics using IASI observations of the sea surface
  • Remote Sensing of Environment, 288, 113508, (2023)
  • F. Kwabia Tchana , Laurent Manceron , A. Perrin , A. Anantharajah
  • Analysis of line positions of the ν6 band of 35ClNO2 around 411 cm-1
  • JJ. Quant. Spectrosc. and Rad. Transf., 311, (2023)
  • Ha Tran, Gang Li, Ngoc Hoa Ngo, Volker Ebert
  • Pressure dependence of the measured line intensity and super-Lorentzian effects in the absorption spectra of pure HCl
  • Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, , (2023)
  • Ha Tran, Gang Li, Ngoc Hoa Ngo, Volker Ebert
  • Non-impact effects in the absorption spectra of HCl diluted in CO2, air, and He: Measurements and predictions
  • J. Chem. Phys., 158, 184301, (2023)
  • Loayza, Hildo, Ismael Moya, Roberto Quiroz, Abderrahmane Ounis, and Yves Goulas
  • Active and passive chlorophyll fluorescence measurements at canopy level on potato crops. Evidence of similitude of diurnal cycles of apparent fluorescence yields
  • Photosynthesis Research, s. d., (2023)
  • M. Bournazel, J. Ma, F. Billard, E. Hertz, J. Wu, C. Boulet, O. Faucher, J.-M. Hartmann
  • Quantum modeling, beyond secularity, of the collisional dissipation of molecular alignment using the energy-corrected sudden approximation
  • The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 174302, (2023)
  • Ryan K. Cole, Ha Tran, Nazanin Hoghooghi, Gregory B. Rieker
  • Temperature dependent CO2 line mixing models using dual frequency comb absorption and phase spectroscopy up to 25 bar and 1000 K.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 297, 108488, (2023)
  • Stubenrauch, C. J., Mandorli, G., and Lemaitre, E
  • Convective organization and 3D structure of tropical cloud systems deduced from synergistic A-Train observations and machine learning
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 5867–5884, (2023)
  • Vasilchenko S., Delahaye T., Kassi S., Campargue A., Armante R., Tran H., Mondelain D.
  • Temperature dependence of the absorption of the R(6) manifold of the 2ν3 band of methane in air in support of the MERLIN mission
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 298, 108483, (2023)
  • W. Fakhardji, H. Tran, O. Pirali, JM Hartmann
  • The H2O–CO2 continuum around 3.1, 5.2 and 8.0 μm: New measurements and validation of a previously proposed χ factor.
  • Icarus, 389, 115217, (2023)
  • W. Tchana Betnga, F. Kwabia Tchana, A. Perrin, L. Manceron , J. Vander Auwera , F. Hindle , A. Coutens
  • New line intensities for the far infrared bands of the Trans- and Cis-conformer of nitrous acid (HONO), new determination of the Trans-Cis conformer barrier and its impact on the astrophysical detection of nitrous acid in protostellar clouds
  • JJ. Quant. Spectrosc. and Rad. Transf., 310, (2023)
  • Bouillon, M., Safieddine, S., Whitburn, S., Clarisse, L., Aires, F., Pellet, V., Lezeaux, O., Scott, N. A., Doutriaux-Boucher, M., and Clerbaux, C.
  • Time evolution of temperature profiles retrieved from 13 years of infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer (IASI) data using an artificial neural network
  • Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,, 15, 1779–1793, (2022)
  • Cassé, V., Chomette O., Crevoisier C., Gibert F., Brožková R., El Khatib R., Nahan F.
  • Impact of Meteorological Uncertainties in the Methane Retrieval Ground Segment of the MERLIN Lidar Mission
  • Atmosphere, 13, 431, (2022)
  • Dechant B., Ryu Y., Badgley G., Köhler P., Rascher U., Migliavacca M., Zhang Y., Tagliabue G., Guan K., Rossini M., Goulas Y., Zeng Y., Frankenberg C., Berry J.A.
  • NIRVP: A robust structural proxy for sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis across scales.
  • Remote Sensing of Environment, 268, 12763, (2022)
  • Dufour G., Eremenko M., Siour G., Sellitto P., Cuesta J., Perrin A., Beekmann M.
  • 24h Evolution of an Exceptional HONO Plume Emitted by the Record-Breaking 2019/2020 AustralianWildfire Tracked from Space
  • Atmosphere, 13, 1485., (2022)
  • H. Fleurbaey, D. Mondelain, W. Fakhardji, J.-M. Hartmann, A. Campargue
  • Simultaneous collision-induced transitions in H2O+CO2 gas mixtures
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 285, 108162, (2022)
  • H.Tran, J. Vander Auwera, T.Bertin, W.Fakhardji, O.Pirali, J.-M. Hartmann
  • Absorption of methane broadened by carbon dioxide in the 3.3 μm spectral region: From line centers to the far wings.
  • Icarus, 384, 115093, (2022)
  • I. Gordon, ..., H. Tran, ..., J.-M. Hartmann, ..., A. Perrin, et al
  • The HITRAN2020 molecular spectroscopic database.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 277, 107949, (2022)
  • I. Tutunnikov, U. Steinitz, E. Gershnabel, J.-M. Hartmann, A.A. Milner, V. Milner, I.S. Averbukh
  • Rotation of the polarization of light as a tool for investigating the collisional transfer of angular momentum from rotating molecules to macroscopic gas flows.
  • Physical Review Research, 4, 013212, (2022)
  • Moya, Ismael, Hildo Loayza, Maria-Llanos Lopez, Juan Manuel Sanchez, Yves Goulas, Abderrahmane Ounis, Roberto Quiroz, and Alfonso Calera
  • Active in situ and passive airborne fluorescence measurements for water stress detection on a fescue field
  • Photosynthesis Research, s. d., (2022)
  • N.H. Ngo, M. T. Le, H. Tran, J.-M. Hartmann
  • Molecular dynamics simulations of pressure-broadened symmetric-top gas spectra. Application to CH3F-Ar and CH3F-He mixtures.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 278, 108031, (2022)
  • S. Guerlet, N. Ignatiev, F. Forget, T. Fouchet, P. Vlasov, G. Bergeron, R. M. B. Young, E. Millour, S. Fan, H. Tran, A. Shakun, A. Grigoriev, A. Trokhimovskiy, F. Montmessin, O. Korablev
  • Thermal structure and aerosols in Mars’ atmosphere from TIRVIM/ACS onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter : VALIDATION OF THE RETRIEVAL ALGORITHM.
  • Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, (2022)
  • Schneider, M., Ertl, B., Tu, Q., Diekmann, C. J., Khosrawi, F., Röhling, A. N., Hase, F., Dubravica, D., García, O. E., Sepúlveda, E., Borsdorff, T., Landgraf, J., Lorente, A., Butz, A., Chen, H., Kivi, R., Laemmel, T., Ramonet, M., Crevoisier, C., Pernin, J., Steinbacher, M., Meinhardt, F., Strong, K., Wunch, D., Warneke, T., Roehl, C., Wennberg, P. O., Morino, I., Iraci, L. T., Shiomi, K., Deutscher, N. M., Griffith, D. W. T., Velazco, V. A., and Pollard, D. F.
  • Synergetic use of IASI profile and TROPOMI total-column level 2 methane retrieval products
  • Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 4339–4371, (2022)
  • Tellier, Y., Crevoisier, C., Armante, R., Dufresne, J.-L., and Meilhac, N
  • Computation of longwave radiative flux and vertical heating rate with 4A-Flux v1.0 as an integral part of the radiative transfer code 4A/OP v1.5
  • Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 5211–5231, (2022)
  • Trent, T., Siddens, R., Kerridge, B., Schroeder, M., Scott, N. A., and Remedios, J.
  • Evaluation of tropospheric water vapour and temperature profiles retrieved from Metop-A by the Infrared and Microwave Sounding scheme
  • EGUsphere,, preprint, (2022)
  • V. Capelle, J.-M. Hartmann
  • Use of hyperspectral sounders to retrieve daytime sea-surface temperature from mid-infrared radiances: Application to IASI.
  • Remote Sensing of Environment, 280, 113171, (2022)
  • V. Capelle, J.-M. Hartmann, C. Crevoisier
  • A full physics algorithm to retrieve nighttime sea surface temperature with IASI: Toward an independent long time series.
  • Remote Sensing of Environment, 269, 112838, (2022)
  • W. Fakhardji, C. Boulet, H. Tran, J.-M. Hartmann
  • Direct calculations of the CH4+CO2 far infrared collision-induced absorption.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 283, 108148, (2022)
  • W. Fakhardji, H. Tran, O. Pirali, J.-M. Hartmann
  • Room temperature measurements of the collision-induced absorption by H2+CO2 mixtures near 2.4 micron.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 283, 108161, (2022)
  • Zhan W., Yang X., Ryu Y., Dechant B., Huang Y., Goulas Y., Kang M., Gentine P.
  • Two for one: Partitioning CO2 fluxes and understanding the relationship between solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary productivity using machine learning.
  • Agricultural and Forest Meteo., 321, 108980, (2022)
  • A. Perrin, L. Manceron, R. Armante, F. Kwabia-Tchana, P. Roy & D. Doizi
  • First analysis of the ν2+ν7 and ν2+ν9 and ν2+ν6 combination bands of HNO3: evidence of perturbations due to large amplitude OH torsion in the 2191 excited state.
  • Molecular Physics, 376, 111394, (2021)
  • A. Perrin, L. Manceron, R. Armante, F. Kwabia-Tchana, P. Roy, D. Doizi & G.C. Toon
  • The 5.8 μm absorption bands for nitric acid (H14N16O3): line positions and intensities for the ν2 band at 1709.567 cm−1 and for its first associated hot bands (ν2+ν9−ν9, ν2+ν7−ν7, ν2+ν6−ν6).
  • Molecular Physics, (2021)
  • Agnes Perrin, L. Manceron, J.-M. Flaud, F. Kwabia-Tchana, R. Armante, P. Roy, D. Doizi
  • The new nitrogen dioxide (NO2) linelist in the GEISA database and first identification of the nu1+2nu3-nu3 band of 14N16O2.
  • Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 376, 111394, (2021)
  • Cassé V., Armante R., Bousquet P., Chomette O., Crevoisier C., Delahaye T., Edouart D., Gibert F., Millet B., Nahan F., Pierangelo C.
  • Development and Validation of an End-to-End Simulator and Gas Concentration Retrieval Processor Applied to the MERLIN Lidar Mission.
  • Remote Sens., 13, 2679, (2021)
  • D.D. Tran, T. Delahaye, R. Armante, J.-M. Hartmann, D. Mondelain, A. Campargue, H. Fleurbaey, J.T. Hodges, H. Tran
  • Validation of spectroscopic data in the 1.27 µm spectral region by comparisons with ground-based atmospheric measurements.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 261, 107495, (2021)
  • Didier Mondelain, Christian Boulet, Jean-Michel Hartmann
  • The binary absorption coefficients for H2+CO2 mixtures in the 2.12-2.35 µm spectral region determined by CRDS and by semi-empirical calculations.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 242, 106729, (2021)
  • Jean-Michel Hartmann, Christian Boulet, Daniel Robert
  • Collisional Effects on Molecular Spectra. Laboratory experiments and models, consequences for applications.
  • 2nd edition, Elsevier (Amsterdam), Book (2021)
  • Jean-Michel Hartmann, Emma Turner
  • De l'intérêt d'une bonne spectroscopie pour connaître l'atmosphère.
  • La Météorologie, 113, 25-26, 10.37053/lameteorologie-2021-0041 (2021)
  • Ma J., Coudert L. H., Billard F., Bournazel M., Lavorel B., Wu J., Maroulis G, Hartmann J.-M., Faucher O.
  • Echo-assisted impulsive alignment of room-temperature acetone molecules.
  • Physical Review Research, 3, 023192, (2021)
  • Matthieu Dogniaux, C. Crevoisier, R. Armante, V. Capelle, T. Delahaye, V. Cassé, M. De Mazière, N. M. Deutscher, D. G. Feist, O. E. Garcia, D. W. T. Griffith, F. Hase, L. T. Iraci, R. Kivi, I. Morino, J. Notholt, D. Pollard, C. M. Roehl, K. Shiomi, K. Strong, Y. Té, V. A. Velazco, and T. Warneke
  • The Adaptable 4A Inversion (5AI): description and first XCO2 retrievals from Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) observations.
  • Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 4689-4706, (2021)
  • N. H. Ngo, H. T. Nguyen, M. T. Le and H. Tran
  • Air-broadened N2O line-shape parameters and their temperature dependences by requantized classical molecular dynamics simulations.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer, 267, 107607, (2021)
  • R. Armante, A. Perrin, F. Kwabia Tchana & L. Manceron
  • The ν4 bands at 11 μm: linelists for the Trans- and Cis- conformer forms of nitrous acid (HONO) in the 2019 version of the GEISA database.
  • Molecular Physics, (2021)
  • S. Kassi, S. Guessoum, J.C. Acosta Abanto, H. Tran, A. Campargue, D. Mondelain
  • Temperature dependence of the Collision-Induced Absorption band of O2 near 1.27um.
  • Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, 126, (2021)
  • Shan, Nan, Yongguang Zhang, Jing M. Chen, Weimin Ju, Mirco Migliavacca, Josep Penuelas, Xi Yang, Zhaoying Zhang, Jacob A. Nelson, et Yves Goulas
  • A model for estimating transpiration from remotely sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
  • Remote Sensing of Environment, 252, (2021)
  • Stubenrauch C. J., Caria G., Protopapadaki S. E. and Hemmer F.
  • 3D radiative heating of tropical upper tropospheric cloud systems derived from synergistic A-Train observations and machine learning,
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 1015–1034, (2021)
  • T. Delahaye, R.Armante, N.A.Scott, N.Jacquinet-Husson, A.Chédin, L.Crépeau, C.Crevoisier, V.Douet, A.Perrin, A.Barbe, V.Boudon, A.Campargue, L.H.Coudert, V.Ebert, J.-M.Flaud, R.R.Gamache, D.Jacquemart, A.Jolly, F.Kwabia Tchana, A.Kyuberis, G.Li, O.M.Lyulin, L.Manceron, S.Mikhailenko, N.Moazzen-Ahmadi, H.S.P.Müller, O.V.Naumenko, A.Nikitin, V.IPerevalov, C.Richard, E.Starikova, S.A.Tashkun, Vl.G.Tyuterev, J.Vander Auwera, B.Vispoel, A.Yachmenev, S.Yurchenko
  • The 2020 edition of the GEISA spectroscopic database.
  • Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 380, 111510, (2021)
  • Agnès Perrin, L. Manceron & F. Kwabia Tchana
  • New line positions analysis of the 2ν1 and ν1 + ν3 bands of NO2 at 3637.848 and 2906.070 cm-1.
  • Molecular Physics, DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2019.1711235 (2020)
  • B. Dechant, Y. Ryu, G. Badgley, Y. Zeng, J.A. Berry, Y. Zhang, Y. Goulas, Z. Li, Q. Zhang., M. Kang, J. Li, I. Moya
  • Canopy structure explains the relationship between photosynthesis and sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in crops.
  • Remote Sensing of Env., 241:111733, (2020)
  • Chédin A., Capelle V., Scott N.A., Todd M.C.
  • Contribution of IASI to the observation of dust aerosol emissions (morning and nighttime) over the Sahara desert.
  • J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 125, e2019JD032014, (2020)
  • D. Viglaska-Aflalo, M. Rey, A. Nikitin, T. Delahaye
  • A global view of isotopic effects on ro-vibrational spectra of six-atomic molecules: a case study of eleven ethylene species.
  • Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. C9CP06383H, (2020)
  • D.D. Tran, H. Tran, S. Vasilchenko, S. Kassi, A. Campargue, D. Mondelain
  • High sensitivity spectroscopy of the O2 band at 1.27 um: (II) air-broadened line profile parameters.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 106673, (2020)
  • Dufresne J.-L., V. Eymet, C. Crevoisier, J.-Y. Grandeix
  • Greenhouse effect: the relative contributions of emission height and total absorption.
  • J. of Climate, 33, 3827-3844, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0193.1 (2020)
  • H.T. Nguyen, N.H. Ngo, H. Tran
  • Line-shape parameters and their temperature dependences predicted from molecular dynamics simulations for O2- and air-broadened CO2 lines.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 242, 106729, (2020)
  • J.-M. Hartmann, J. Ma, T. Delahaye, F. Billard, E. Hertz, J. Wu, B. Lavorel, C. Boulet, O. Faucher
  • Molecular alignment echoes probing collision-induced rotational-speed changes.
  • Phys. Review Research, 2, 023247, (2020)
  • R. Hashemi, I. E. Gordon, H. Tran, R. V. Kochanov, E. V. Karlovets, Y. Tan, J. Lamouroux, N. H. Ngo, L. S. Rothman
  • Revising the line-shape parameters for air- and self-broadened CO2 lines toward a sub-percent accuracy level.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 256, 107283, (2020)
  • Robert Pincus, Stefan A. Buehler, Manfred Brath, Cyril Crevoisier, Omar Jamil, K. Franklin Evans, James Manners, Raymond L. Menzel, Eli J. Mlawer, David Paynter, Rick L. Pernak, Yoann Tellier
  • Benchmark calculations of radiative forcing by greenhouse gases.
  • J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 125, e2020JD033483, (2020)
  • Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, A. Porcar-Castell , J. Joiner, L. Guanter, X. Yang, M. Migliavacca, W. Ju, Z. Sun, S. Chen, D. Martini, Q. Zhang, Z. Li,J. Cleverly, H. Wang, Y. Goulas
  • Reduction of structural impacts and distinction of photosynthetic pathways in a global estimation of GPP from space-borne solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence.
  • Remote Sensing of Env., 240:111722, (2020)
  • Aasen H., Van Wittenberghe S., Sabater Medina N., Damm A., Goulas Y., Wieneke S., Hueni A., Malenovský Z., Alonso L., Pacheco-Labrador J., Cendrero-Mateo M.P., Tomelleri E., Burkart A., Cogliati S., Rascher U., Mac Arthur A.
  • Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence II: Review of Passive Measurement Setups, Protocols, and Their Application at the Leaf to Canopy Level.
  • Remote Sensing, 11:927, (2019)
  • Cassé V., Gibert F., Edouart D., Chomette O. and Crevoisier C.
  • Optical Energy Variability Induced by Speckle: The Cases of MERLIN and CHARM-F IPDA Lidar.
  • Atmosphere, 10(9), 540, (2019)
  • Cendrero-Mateo M.P., Wieneke S., Damm A., Alonso L., Pinto F., Moreno J., Guanter L., Celesti M., Rossini M., Sabater N., Cogliati S., Julitta T., Rascher U., Goulas Y., Aasen H., Pacheco-Labrador J., Mac Arthur A.
  • Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence III: Benchmarking Retrieval Methods and Sensor Characteristics for Proximal Sensing.
  • Remote Sensing, 11:962, (2019)
  • D.D. Tran, V.T. Sironneau, J. T. Hodges, R. Armante, J. Cuesta, H. Tran
  • Prediction of high-order line-shape parameters for air-broadened O2 lines using requantized classical molecular dynamics simulations and comparison with measurements.
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 222-223, 108-114, (2019)
  • F. Kwabia-Tchana, Y. Attafi, L. Manceron, D. Doizi, J. Vander Auwera, A. Perrin
  • Line intensities for the nu6 and 2nu3 bands of methyl iodide (12CH3I).
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 222-223, 130-137, (2019)
  • G.H. Mohammed, R. Colombo, E.M. Middleton, U. Rascher, C. van der Tol, L. Nedbal, Y. Goulas, O. Pérez-Priego, A. Damm, M. Meroni, J. Joiner, S. Cogliati, W. Verhoef, Z. Malenovský, J.P. Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.R. Miller, L. Guanter, J. Moreno, I. Moya, J.A. Berry, C. Frankenberg, P.J. Zarco-Tejada
  • Remote sensing of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) in vegetation: 50 years of progress.
  • Remote Sensing of Env., 231:111177, (2019)
  • H. Tran, M. Turbet, S. Hanoufa, X. Landsheere, P. Chelin, Q. Ma, J.-M. Hartmann
  • The CO2–broadened H2O continuum in the 100–1500 cm-1 region: Measurements, predictions and empirical model
  • J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 230, 75-80, (2019)
  • Joël Thanwerdas, Marielle Saunois, Antoine Berchet, Isabelle Pison, Didier Hauglustaine, Michel Ramonet, Cyril Crevoisier, Bianca Baier, Colm Sweeney and Philippe Bousquet
  • Impact of atomic chlorine on the modelling of total methane and its 13C : 12C isotopic ratio at global scale.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., in revision (2019)
  • Junyang Ma, Haisu Zhang, Bruno Lavorel, Franck Billard, Edouard Hertz, Jian Wu, Christian Boulet, Jean-Michel Hartmann, Olivier Faucher
  • Observing collisions beyond the secular approximation limit.
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  • Feofilov A.G., Stubenrauch C.J. and Delanoë J.
  • Ice water content vertical profiles of high-level clouds: classification and impact on radiative fluxes.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-15-12327-2015 (2015)
  • Gibert F., D. Edouart, C. Cénac, F. Le Mounier, A. Dumas
  • 2-µm Ho emitter-based coherent DIAL for CO2 profiling in the atmosphere.
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  • Manuilova R.O., Feofilov A.G., Kutepov A.A., Yankovsky V.A.
  • Effect of updated relaxation rate constants on the H2O vibrational level populations and ro-vibrational spectra in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere.
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  • Medvedev A.S., Gonzalez-Galindo F., Yigit E., Feofilov A.G., Forget F., Hartogh P.
  • Cooling of the Martian thermosphere by CO2 radiation and gravity waves: An intercomparison study with two general circulation models.
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  • Pal, S., Lopez M., Schmidt M., Ramonet M., Gibert F., Xueref-Remy I. and Ciais P.
  • Investigation of the atmospheric boundary layer depth variability and its impact on the 222Rn concentration at a rural site in France.
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  • Rezac L., Kutepov A., Russell III J.M., Feofilov A.G., Yue J., Goldberg R.A.
  • Simultaneous retrieval of T(p) and CO2 VMR from two-channel non-LTE limb radiances and application to daytime SABER/TIMED measurements.
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  • Thonat T., Crevoisier C., Scott N.A., Chédin A., Armante R. and Crépeau L.
  • Signature of tropical fires in the diurnal cycle of tropospheric CO as seen from Metop-A/IASI.
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  • Capelle V., Chédin A., Siméon M., Tsamalis C., Pierangelo C., Pondrom M., Armante R., Crevoisier C., Crépeau L. and Scott. N.A.
  • Evaluation of IASI derived dust aerosols characteristics over the tropical belt.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys. , 14, 9343-9362 doi:10.5194/acp-14-9343-2014 (2014)
  • Cressot C., Chevallier F., Bousquet P., Crevoisier C., Dlugokencky E.J., Fortems-Cheiney A., Frankenberg C., Parker R., Pison I., Scheepmaker R.A., Montzka S.A., Krummel P.B., Steele L.P., and Langenfelds R.L.
  • On the consistency between global and regional methane emissions inferred from SCIAMACHY, TANSO-FTS, IASI and surface measurements.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 577-592 doi:10.5194/acp-14-577-2014 (2014)
  • Crevoisier C., Clerbaux C., Guidard V., Péquignot E. et Pasternak F.
  • IASI-NG : un concentré d’innovations technologiques pour l’étude de l’atmosphère terrestre.
  • La Météorologie, pp. 305, doi : 10.4267/2042/54061 (2014)
  • Crevoisier C., Clerbaux C., Guidard V., Phulpin T., Armante R., Barret B., Camy-Peyret C., Chaboureau J.-P., Coheur P.-F., Crépeau L., Dufour G., Labonnote L., Lavanant L., Hadji-Lazaro J., Herbin H., Jacquinet-Husson N., Payan S., Péquignot E., Pierangelo C., Sellitto P., and Stubenrauch C.
  • Towards IASI-New Generation (IASI-NG): impact of improved spectral resolution and radiometric noise on the retrieval of thermodynamic, chemistry and climate variables.
  • Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 4367-4385, doi:10.5194/amt-7-4367-2014 (2014)
  • Gal F., Michel K., Pokryszka Z., Lafortune S., Garcia B., Rouchon V., De Donato P., Pironon J., Barres O., Taquet N., Prinet C., Hy-Billiot J., Lescanne M., Cellier P., Lucas H., Gibert F.
  • Study of the environnemental variability of gaseous emanations over a CO2 injection pilot- Application to the french Pyrenean foreland.
  • International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 21, 177-190, (2014)
  • Gibert F., Edouart D., Cénac C. and Le Mounier F.
  • 2-µm high power multiple-frequency single-mode Q-switched Ho:YLF laser for DIAL application.
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  • Source, sinks, and transatlantic transport of North African dust aerosol: A multi-model analysis and comparison with remote-sensing data.
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  • The BLLAST field experiment: Boundary-Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence.
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  • Massart S., Agusti-Panareda A., Aben I., Butz A., Chevallier F., Crevoisier C., Engelen R., Frankenberg C., and Hasekamp O.
  • Assimilation of atmospheric methane products into the MACC-II system: from SCIAMACHY to TANSO and IASI.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 6139-6158 doi:10.5194/acp-14-6139-2014 (2014)
  • Crevoisier C., Nobileau D., Armante R., Crépeau L., Machida T., Sawa Y., Matsueda H., Schuck T., Thonat T., Pernin J., Scott N.A., and Chédin A.
  • The 2007–2011 evolution of tropical methane in the mid-troposphere as seen from space by MetOp-A/IASI.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-13-4279-2013 (2013)
  • Foubert K., Lasfargues G., Mathieu L., Benahmed S., Vojetta G., Rothman J., Benoit A., La Guillaume Q., Calvo V., Picot-Clemente J., Le Mounier F., Gibert F.
  • Development of HgCdTe single-element APDs based detectors for low flux short wave infrared applications.
  • Proceedings of SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, 86210F, doi:10.1117/12.2004109 (2013)
  • Foucher P.-Y., Chédin A., Armante R., Crevoisier C., Boone C., Bernath P.
  • Carbon Dioxide Atmospheric Vertical Profiles Retrieved from Space Observation Using ACE-FTS Solar Occultation Instrument, The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment ACE at 10: A Solar Occultation Anthology.
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  • Kutepov A.A., Feofilov A.G., Medvedev A.S., Berger U., Kaufmann M., Pauldrach A.W.A.
  • Infrared Radiative Cooling/Heating of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Due to the Small-Scale Temperature Fluctuations Associated with Gravity Waves.
  • Springer Atmospheric Sciences, 429-442 doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-4348-9_23 (2013)
  • Peyridieu S., Chédin A., Capelle V., Tsamalis C., Pierangelo C., Armante R., Crevoisier C., Crépeau L., Siméon M., Ducos F., Scott N.A.
  • Characterization of dust aerosols in the infrared from IASI and comparison with PARASOL, MODIS, MISR, CALIOP, and AERONET observations.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 6065-6082 doi:10.5194/acp-13-6065-2013 (2013)
  • Stubenrauch C.J., Rossow W.B., Kinne S., Ackerman S., Cesana G., Chepfer H., Di Girolamo L., Getzewich B., Guignard A., Heidinger A., Maddux B., Menzel P., Minnis P., Pearl C., Platnick S., Poulsen C., Riedi J., Sun-Mack S., Walther A., Winker D., Zeng S., Zhao G.
  • ASSESSMENT OF GLOBAL CLOUD DATASETS FROM SATELLITES: Project and Database initiated by the GEWEX Radiation Panel.
  • Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, doi: 10.1175/ BAMS-D-12-00117.1 (2013)
  • Tsamalis C., Chédin A., Pelon J., Capelle V.
  • The seasonal vertical distribution of the Saharan Air Layer and its modulation by the wind.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 11235-11257 (2013)
  • Capelle V., Chédin A., Péquignot E., Schluessel P., Newman S.M. and Scott N.A.
  • Infrared continental surface emissivity spectra and skin temperature retrieved from IASI observations over the tropics.
  • J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 51, 1164–1179 (2012)
  • Daumard, F., Goulas, Y., Champagne, S., Fournier, A., Ounis, A., Olioso, A. et al.
  • Continuous Monitoring of Canopy Level Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence During the Growth of a Sorghum Field.
  • IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(11), 4292-4300 (2012)
  • Diallo M., Legras B. and Chédin A.
  • Age of stratospheric air in the ERA-Interim.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 12133-12154 (2012)
  • Feofilov A.G. and Kutepov A.A.
  • Infrared Radiation in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: Energetic Effects and Remote Sensing.
  • Surveys in Geophysics, doi:10.1007/s10712-012-9204-0 (2012)
  • Feofilov A.G., Kutepov A.A., She C.-Y., Smith A.K. , Pesnell W.D. and Goldberg R.A.
  • CO2(v2)-O quenching rate coefficient derived from coincidental SABER/TIMED and Fort Collins lidar observations of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 9013-9023, doi:10.5194/acp-12-9013-2012 (2012)
  • Fournier, A., Daumard, F., Champagne, S., Ounis, A., Goulas, Y., & Moya, I.
  • Effect of canopy structure on sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence.
  • ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 68(0), 112-120, (2012)
  • Guignard A., Stubenrauch C.J., Baran A.J. and Armante R.
  • Bulk microphysical properties of semi-transparent cirrus from AIRS: a six year global climatology and statistical analysis in synergy with geometrical profiling data from CloudSat-CALIPSO.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys. doi:10.5194/acp-12-503-2012 (2012)
  • Lamquin N., Stubenrauch C.J., Gierens K., Burkhardt U. and Smit H.
  • A global climatology of upper-tropospheric ice supersaturation occurrence inferred from the Atmopheric Infrared Sounder calibrated by MOZAIC.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys. doi:10.5194/acp-12-381-2012 (2012)
  • Noel V., Chepfer H., Stubenrauch C.J.
  • CALIPSO, des cristaux dans le ciel.
  • La Météorologie, 77, 41-47, doi: 10.4267/2042/47374 (2012)
  • Pal S., Xueref-Remy I., Ammoura L., Chazette P., Gibert F., Royer P., Dieudonné E. , Dupont J.C., Haeffelin M., Lac C., Lopez M., Morille Y., Ravetta F.
  • Spatio-temporal variability of the atmospheric boundary layer depth over Paris agglomeration: an assessment of the impact of urban heat island intensity.
  • Atmospheric Environment, 63, 261-275 (2012)
  • Thonat T., Crevoisier C., Scott N.A., Chédin A., Schuck T., Armante R. and Crépeau L.
  • Retrieval of tropospheric CO column from hyperspectral infrared sounders – application to four years of Aqua/AIRS and MetOp-A/IASI.
  • Atmospheric Measurement Techniques doi:10.5194/amt-5-2413-2012 (2012)
  • Vrac M., Diday E., Billard L., Chédin A.
  • Copula analysis of mixture models.
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  • Abdi Vishkaee F., C. Flamant, J. Cuesta, P. H. Flamant, H. R. Khalesifard
  • Multi-platform observations of dust vertical distribution during transport over northwest Iran in the summertime.
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  • Foucher P.-Y., Chédin A., Armante R., Boone C.D., Crevoisier C. and Bernath P.
  • Carbon dioxide atmospheric vertical profiles retrieved from space observation using ACE-FTS solar occultation instrument.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-11-2455-2011 (2011)
  • Gibert F., G. Koch, K.J. Davis, J.Y. Beyon, T. Hilton, A. Andrews, P. Flamant and U.N. Singh
  • Can CO2 turbulent flux be measured by lidar? A preliminary study.
  • J. Atmos. Ocean. Technology, 28, 365-377 (2011)
  • Gibert F., N. Arnault, J. Cuesta, R. Plougonven and P.H. Flamant
  • Internal gravity waves convectively forced in the atmospheric residual layer during the morning transition.
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  • Hilton F., Armante R., August T., Barnet C., Bouchard A., Camy-Peyret C., Capelle V., Clarisse L., Clerbaux C., Coheur P.-F., Collard A., Crevoisier C., Dufour G., Edwards D., Faijan F., Fourrié N., Gambacorta A., Goldberg M., Guidard V., Hurtmans D., Illingworth S., Jacquinet-Husson N., Kerzenmacher T., Klaes D., Lavanant L., Masiello G., Matricardi M., McNally A., Newman S., Pavelin E., Payan S., Péquignot E., Peyridieu S., Phulpin T., Remedios J., Schlüssel P., Serio C., Strow L., Stubenrauch C., Taylor J., Tobin D., Wolf W., Zhou D.
  • Hyperspectral Earth Observation from IASI.
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  • Jacquinet-Husson N., L. Crépeau, R. Armante, C. Boutammine, A. Chédin, N.A. Scott, C. Crevoisier, V. Capelle, C. Boone, N. Poulet-Crovisier, A. Barbe, A. Campargue, D. Chris Benner, Y. Benilan, B. Bézard, V. Boudon, L.R. Brown, L.H. Coudert, A. Coustenis, V. Dana, V.M. Devi, S. Fally, A. Fayt, J.-M. Flaud, A. Goldman, M. Herman, G.J. Harrio, D. Jacquemart, A. Jolly, I. Kleiner, A. Kleinböhl, F. Kwabia-Tchana, N. Lavrentieva, N. Lacome, Li-Hong Xu, O.M. Lyulin, J.-Y. Mandin, A. Maki, S. Mikhailenko, C.E. Miller, T. Mishina, N. Moazzen-Ahmadi, H.S.P. Müller, A. Nikitin, J. Orphal, V. Perevalov, A. Perrin, D.T. Petkie, A. Predoi-Cross, C.P. Rinsland, J.J. Remedios, M. Rotger, M.A.H. Smith, K. Sung, S. Tashkun, J. Tennyson, R.A. Toth, A.-C. Vandaele and J. Vander Auwera
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  • Li, J. S., G. Durry, J. Cousin, L. Joly, B. Parvitte, P.H. Flamant, F. Gibert and V. Zéninari
  • Tunable diode laser measurement of pressure-induced shift coefficients of CO2 around 2.05 µm for Lidar application.
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  • Phulpin T., Camy-Peyret C., Taylor J., Clerbaux C., Coheur P., Crevoisier C., Edwards D., Gambacorta A., Guidard V., Hilton F., Jacquinet N., Knuteson R., Lavanant L., McNally T., Matricardi M., Revercomb H., Serio C., Strow L., Schlüssel P., Klaes D., Larigauderie C.
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  • Fluorescence estimation in the framework of CEFLES2 campaign.
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  • Bou Karam D., C. Flamant, J. Cuesta, J. Pelon, E. Williams
  • Dust emission and transport associated with a Saharan depression: The February 2007 case.
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  • Chepfer H., Bony S., Winker D., Cesana G., Dufresne J.L., Minnis P. , Stubenrauch C.J. and Zeng S.
  • The GCM Oriented Calipso Cloud Product (CALIPSO-GOCCP).
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  • Crevoisier C., Sweeney C., Gloor M., Sarmiento J.L., and Tans P.P.
  • Insight on regional US carbon sinks from three-dimensional atmospheric CO2 sampling.
  • Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 107, no. 43, doi:10.1073/pnas.0900062107 (2010)
  • Cuesta J., P. Chazette, T. Allouis, P. H. Flamant, S. Durrieu, J. Sanak, P. Genau, D., Guyon, D. Loustau and Cyrille Flamant
  • Observing the forest canopy with a new ultra-violet compact airborne lidar.
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  • Cuesta, J. and P.H. Flamant
  • Lidar beams in opposite directions technique for validation of Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization spaceborne measurements.
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  • Daumard F., Champagne S., Fournier A., Goulas Y., Ounis A., Hanocq J.F. and Moya I.
  • A field platform for continuous measurement of canopy fluorescence.
  • IEEE Transactions in Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48(9): 3358-3368 (2010)
  • Hendricks J., Falb A., Stubenrauch C.J., Lohmann U. and Emde C.
  • A Method for comparing properties of cirrus clouds in global climate models with those retrieved from IR sounder satellite observations.
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  • Lemaître C., C. Flamant, J. Cuesta, J.-C. Raut, P. Chazette, P. Formenti and J. Pelon
  • Radiative Forcing Associated with a springtime case of Bodélé and Sudan dust transport over West Africa.
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  • FluorMODleaf: A new leaf fluorescence emission model based on the PROSPECT model.
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  • Saharan dust infrared optical depth and altitude retrieved from AIRS : a focus over North Atlantic - Comparison to MODIS and CALIPSO.
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  • Rio C., Hourdin F. and Chédin A.
  • Numerical simulation of tropospheric injection of biomass burning products by pyro-thermal plumes.
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  • Stubenrauch C.J., Cros S., Guignard A. and Lamquin N.
  • A 6-year global cloud climatology from the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder aboard the Aqua satellite: statistical analysis in synergy with CALIPSO and CloudSat.
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  • Cézard N., A. Dolfi-Bouteyre, J.-P. Huignard, P. H. Flamant
  • Performance evaluation of a dual fringe-imaging Michelson interferometer for air parameter measurements with a 355-nm Rayleigh-Mie lidar.
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  • Ciais P., Piao S.-L., Cadule P., Friedlingstein P. and Chédin A.
  • Variability and recent trends in the African terrestrial carbon balance.
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  • Crevoisier C., Chédin A., Matsueda H., Machida T., Armante R. and Scott N. A.
  • First year of upper tropospheric integrated content of CO2 from IASI hyperspectral infrared observations.
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  • Crevoisier C., Nobileau D., Fiore A., Armante R., Chédin A., and Scott N. A.
  • Tropospheric methane in the tropics - first year from IASI hyperspectral infrared observations.
  • Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 6337-6350 (2009)
  • Cuesta, J., C. Lavaysse, C. Flamant, M. Mimouni, P. Knippetz
  • Northward bursts of the West African monsoon leading to rainfall over the Hoggar massif, Algeria.
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  • Cuesta, J., J. Marsham, D. Parker, C. Flamant
  • Dynamical mechanisms controlling the vertical redistribution of dust and the thermodynamic structure of the West Saharan Atmospheric Boundary Layer during Summer.
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  • Foucher P.-Y., Chédin A., Dufour G., Capelle V., Boone C. D. , Bernath Peter
  • Technical Note : Feasibility of CO2 profile retrieval from limb viewing solar occultation made by the ACE-FTS instrument.
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  • Gibert F., L. Joly, I. Xueref-Remy, M. Schmidt, A. Royer, P. H. Flamant, D. Filippi, F. Boumard, B. Parvitte, D. Bruneau, V. Zeninari, and G. Durry
  • Inter-comparison of 2-µm Heterodyne Differential Absorption Lidar, Laser Diode Spectrometer, LICOR NDIR analyzer and flasks measurements of near-ground atmospheric CO2 mixing ratio.
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  • Joly L., F. Marnas, F. Gibert, D. Bruneau, B. Grouiez, P.H. Flamant, G. Durry, B. Parvitte and V. Zéninari
  • Laser diode absorption spectroscopy for accurate CO2 line parameters at 2 µm. Consequences for space-based DIAL measurements and potential biases.
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  • Lamquin N., Gierens K., Stubenrauch C.J. and Chatterjee R.
  • Evaluation of Upper Tropospheric Humidity forecasts from ECMWF using AIRS and CALIPSO data.
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  • Plana-Fattori A., Brogniez G., Chervet P., Haeffelin M., Lado-Bordowsky O., Morille Y., Parol F., Pelon J., Roblin A., Sèze G. and Stubenrauch C.
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  • CEFLES2: the remote sensing component to quantify photosynthetic efficiency from the leaf to the region by measuring sun-induced fluorescence in the oxygen absorption bands.
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  • Raybaut M., T. Schmid, A. Godard, A. K. Mohamed, M. Lefebvre, F. Marnas, P. Flamant, A. Bohman, P. Geiser, and P. Kaspersen
  • High-energy single-longitudinal-mode nearly-diffraction-limited optical parametric source with 3 MHz frequency stability for CO2 DIAL.
  • Optics Letters, 34, 2069-2071 (2009)
  • Scott N.A.,
  • Assessing Calipso IIR radiance accuracy via stand -alone validation and a GEO/LEO inter-calibration approach using MODIS/Aqua and SEVIRI/MSG,
  • GSICS Quaterly Newsletter, Vol. 3, N° 3, (2009)
  • Shevliakova E., Pacala S. W., Malyshev S., Hurtt G. C., Milly P. C. D., Caspersen J. P., Sentman L. T., Fisk J. P., Wirth C., and Crevoisier C.
  • Carbon cycling under 300 years of land use change: Importance of the secondary vegetation sink.
  • Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 23, GB2022 doi:10.1029/2007GB003176 (2009)
  • Stubenrauch C. J., Kinne S., and GEWEX Cloud Assessment Team
  • Evaluation of Global Cloud Data Products.
  • GEWEX news article, 19 no.1 (2009)
THESIS (in French)
  • Dogniaux Matthieu
  • Suivi de la concentration atmosphérique de CO2 par satellite : performances et sensibilités des prochains concepts d’observation dans le proche infrarouge.
  • Thèse de doctorat de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris préparée à l’École polytechnique, 13 décembre 2021 Thesis (21.7 Mo)
  • Tellier Yoann
  • Apport du sondeur infrarouge IASI à la détermination des flux radiatifs et du taux de chauffage vertical à grande longueur d’onde.
  • Thèse de doctorat de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris préparée à l’École polytechnique, 17 décembre 2021. Thesis (28.8 Mo)
  • Duc Dung TRAN
  • Etude du spectre d’absorption de l’oxygène en infrarouge proche et application à la télédétection des gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère.
  • Thèse de doctorat de Sciences de l'environnement Sorbonne Université, 16 décembre 2020. Thesis (13 Mo)
  • Membrive Olivier
  • Caractérisation de la distribution verticale des gaz à effet de serre CO2 et CH4 par mesures sous ballons. Application à la validation d’observations satellites.
  • Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), 16 Décembre 2016. Thesis (20.9 Mo)
  • Dumas Arnaud
  • Apport des photodiodes à avalanche HgCdTe pour la télédétection du CO2 atmosphérique par lidar DIAL à 2 µm.
  • Thèse de doctorat de l"Ecole Polytechnique, 1 décembre 2016. Thesis (14 Mo)
  • Thonat Thibaud
  • Etude des feux de biomasse tropicaux : observation simultanée des gaz émis par les feux à l’aide des observations hyperspectrales infrarouges de AIRS et IASI.
  • Thèse de doctorat de l'Ecole Polytechnique, 28 mars 2013. Thesis (34 Mo)
  • Guignard Anthony
  • Propriétés microphysiques des cirrus : Restitution à partir du sondage IR depuis l'espace et études en lien avec la structure verticale (Exploitation de la synergie du A-Train : AIRS, CALIPSO et CloudSat).
  • Thèse de doctorat de l'Université , 29 mars 2012. Thesis (34 Mo)
  • Peyridieu Sophie
  • Détermination des caractéristiques des aérosols de poussières à partir des observations des sondeurs de 2ème génération AIRS, IASI et Calipso/Caliop. Application à l'étude des sources et des puits et établissement d'une climatologie.
  • Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), 6 décembre 2010. Thesis (40 Mo)
  • Foucher Pierre-Yves
  • Détermination de profils verticaux de concentration en CO2 atmosphérique à partir d'observations spatiales. Application aux données en occultation solaire de l'instrument ACE-FTS sur SCISAT 1.
  • Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), 2 décembre 2009. Thesis (11 Mo)
  • Lamquin Nicolas
  • Relations entre cirrus et humidité dans la haute troposphère à partir du sondage infrarouge et de sa synergie avec d’autres observations. Application à l’impact du trafic aérien sur le climat.
  • Allocation Internationale de thèse Gaspard Monge de l'École Polytechnique, 3 décembre 2009. Thesis (32 Mo)
Last update : 2019/06/06

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